What’s on My Mind for 2024…

Summer is such a good time for reflection and reconnection, right? After slowing down for a few weeks, I’m now re-emerging back into work mode. Here’s what’s bubbling up for me as I think about the next 12 months ahead. I’m sharing this with you as somehow along the way you and I have made a connection, and I’m guessing that we share common interests and questions about leadership, learning and how to live life well.

What’s inspiring me?

Well, lots of things inspire me. But I’ll hone in on two big ideas that are really firing me up right now: wisdom, and boldness.

Wisdom: I’ve been reflecting on the need for more wisdom in the world. Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge effectively in the context you find yourself in. When I look at the world, I still see too much reactive, short-term thinking, and not enough wisdom. Wise leadership has a ripple effect: it helps others to breathe out, and provides the inspiration to step up to tackling the big challenges we face. I want to contribute to a planet full of wise leadership.

Boldness: Oren Harari said “The invention of the lightbulb did not come about from the continuous improvement of candles.” When we think and act in bigger and bolder ways, we’re forced to challenge our old notions, and we exponentially increase the chances of creating what we truly want. Life gets more interesting. As I wrote late last year, I reckon we have too much leadership that plays it safe, and plays it small. It’s holding us and our organisations back. 

It’s time for bolder, wiser leadership. 

What I’m offering in 2024

What leaders need most right now is space. Space to think, to reflect, and to connect with like-minded people who get it. While the hustle and bustle to consistently bring effective leadership is inescapable, we can often overlook the need for a sanctuary.

At the core of everything I do are high-quality, spacious experiences that give you the opportunity to get mental clarity, emotional reset, and strategic thinking happening. I love designing them, and I love delivering them.

If that’s got your attention, here’s how I can help you and your leaders get the space they need to develop wisdom and go bolder:

Change Makers: a six month programme and dynamic community that turbo-charges restless go-getters to be more deliberate, strategic and influential. Awesome for your high-potential talent and those you don’t want to lose.

Amplify is a high-support, high-accountability coaching community for grounded, deeply curious leaders who want to invest in their ongoing development. Designed for senior leaders who are looking to expand their perspective, networks, and reach. 

A suite of workshops and masterclasses that provide the space to give leaders at all levels the practical tools and frameworks to make change happen, lead people well and live life deliberately. The most popular sessions are Conversations That Matter, Mastering Facilitative Leadership, Changing the Game, and Building Credibility and Influence. 

What I’m cooking up…

Here are a few cool things I’m not quite ready to release yet. I thought you might appreciate a heads-up so you can look out for them when they’re ready:

Podcast: The idea of hosting a podcast has been on my mind for a couple of years, and now’s the time! Right now, I'm in the planning stage. I’ve engaged a specialist podcast coach (the amazing Penny Terry) to help me be wise and bold with what I put out there.

Retreat: I take retreats for myself regularly. So, I got to thinking: if I’m about creating high-trust, spacious environments, then it makes complete sense for me to offer retreats for my clients. I’m thinking of a retreat for a small number of people in an awe-inspiring place with a theme around ‘Life and Leadership By Design’ in Q3 of 2024. More to come on that soon…

Sabbaticals as something organisations can offer: Off the back of my sabbatical last year, it’s become very apparent that offering a sabbatical as a way of developing and retaining talent makes so much sense. Over the coming months, I’ll be teaming up with a couple of colleagues to interview CEO’s and Chief People Officers who are interested in trialling (or tightening up) how they can use sabbaticals as a high-potency tool. (If you’re interested in being one of the interviewees, get in touch)

Stuff you can grab right now…

Looking for stuff you can jump into straight away? Try these:

Your Life By Design: Set your year up so you can live life by design, not by default. Your Life By Design is an online course + coaching call that will help you be more bold, deliberate and wise. 

Ideas About The Future of Leadership: A free ebook with 12 chapters across 60 pages on the leadership habits and qualities that we need to cultivate to create the sort of teams, organisations, and lives that help us thrive and navigate the complex challenges we face. 

Get in touch for a chat. Let’s explore what we can do together.

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